The Second Annual Film History Conference (also called “Film Invitational”) took place on May 13, 2016. As venue, the OCI rented The Little Church. A program draft is available here.
The conference was supported by Oregon Film.
Watch the opening remarks here.

Ranch Girl On A Rampage, by Larry Telles. Telles talked about how Helen Gibson, Hollywood’s first professional stuntwoman, performed in the 1913 Pendleton Round Up. Watch his talk here.

B. F. Shearer & Portland’s Film Row, by Dennis Nyback. Hollywood’s distribution infrastructure on NW 19th, which supported an analog media empire, included a perfectly miniaturized showcase theater designed by Seattle based B. F. Shearer. Watch his talk here.

Carl Barks, by Patrick Rosenkranz. Rosenkranz discussed the Oregon comic book auteur who invented Uncle Scrooge McDuck and inspired Robert Crumb. Watch his talk here.

Citizen Kahn, by Libby Burke. Burke talked about Stephen B. Kahn at the Bonneville Power Administration and about Woody Guthrie who recorded “Roll On, Columbia, Roll On” for the first time in NE Portland, which was commissioned for the Stephen B. Kahn film The Columbia. Watch her talk here.

Bill Viola, by Harry Dawson. Dawson talked about his decades long collaboration with artist Bill Viola. Watch his talk here.

Update on The Olive Trees of Justice, by Richard Blue. Blue gave an update on the international search for the lost negative of James Blue’s film. Watch his talk and the awarding of the inaugural Elmer Buehler Award to Richard Blue here.

From Publisher to Producer, by Mike Richardson. Known for his publishing house Dark Horse Comics, Richardson discussed the transition he made from publisher to producer with Dr. Giggles in 1992. Watch his talk here.