The Graphic Medicine International Collective (GMIC), a not-for-profit organization with a mission to guide and support the uses of comics in health. The GMIC Annual award is meant to recognize and honor outstanding health-related comic projects published in the previous year. The award was launched in 2022. You can learn about the first shortlist and the first winner at these links. You can find information about the 2023 award, for works published in 2022, here. And for a general list of current FAQ about the award, go here.

This award was made possible by a generous matching gift in Honor of Nancy and Herbert Wolf.
Nancy and Herb were married for 61 years. They raised four children and enjoyed their two grandchildren. Nancy was an artist, especially skilled at needlepoint, and a medical records administrator who chaired the medical records department of a Chicago-area hospital. Herb was a consulting actuary specializing in life insurance. In 2010, he received the lifetime achievement award from the Conference of Consulting Actuaries. As college students in the late 1940s, Nancy and Herb fought racial discrimination, sitting-in at segregated lunch counters. They supported anti-racist, anti-war, and economic social justice causes throughout their lives. They performed numerous plays with friends for over forty-five years. Nancy died in 2010. Herb died in 2018. This award is intended to honor and carry on their legacy of service and care.
To help fund this annual award, GMIC will receive an annual $5,000 gift through at least 2031 in Honor of Nancy and Herbert Wolf. You can read more about Nancy and Herbert here.
Receipt of this generous gift is contingent on raising matching funds! To help make this award possible, you can make a tax-deductible contribution by clicking HERE.
If you would prefer to mail a check, please send it to:
ATTN: Graphic Medicine Award Committee
Graphic Medicine International Collective
PO Box 2267
Worcester, MA 01613
United States
If you have any questions about donations, or any aspect of the award, feel free to email: