Announcing the 2023 Davenport International Cartoon Contest (and welcoming Gus Frederick to the OCP board)

We are excited to announce that Gus Frederick from Silverton has joined the board of the Oregon Cartoon Project. Gus is a native Oregonian, born in 1954, 100 years after his hometown of Silverton was founded. He is by training a filmmaker and photographer, although he has broadened that term by necessity to multimedia artist. He currently works as a conceptual artist, photographer, filmmaker and animator for the Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Fire & Life Safety Education Branch. Through his Liberal University Press, he has published two annotated cartoon collections featuring the works of cartoonist Homer Davenport (1867-1912), Oregon’s first media superstar. He also published the collected works of his father, Oregon pioneer politician Timothy W. Davenport (1827-1911).

Gus is also the face behind the Davenport Project and the Davenport International Cartoon Contest. We are delighted to join forces here and support his work. Gus will hold the annual presentation on the life and times of political cartoonist Homer C. Davenport, late of Silverton. There will be two showings: 12:30 p.m. and again at 3:30 p.m. The Silver Falls Public Library is located at 410 South Water Street, in Silverton. Doors open at 12:00 p.m. with the presentation starting shortly after. Free and all ages are welcome!