The blog Oregon Movies, A-Z and an accompanying website were discontinued in 2014. Click here for a PDF outlining the scope of the site.

The Oregon Cartoon Project aims to build upon this work and create a compendium of Oregon artists and movies that relate to cartooning and animation.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Buehler, Elmer

Elmer Buehler worked for the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) in 1941, when Woodie Guthrie signed on for 30 days to sign songs about the public hydroelectric power projects, which were used as music for the BPA documentary The Columbia. Buehler acted as Guthrie’s driver during this time. When Buehler was ordered in 1953 to destroy all copies, but instead preserved them in his private library and handed them over to the Library of Congress in 1973. In Buehler’s honor, the Oregon Cartoon Institute awarded the Elmer Buehler Award for Film Preservation from 2015 until 2021.

Bye, Carye

An illustrator and writer, Carye Bye has drawn images about Portland, Portland’s bridges, Portland’s museums and collections, the Oregon Coast, nostalgic vignettes about Oregon, and more. For the Oregon Cartoon Institute, the predecessor of the Oregon Cartoon Project, Bye illustrated famous artists with a connection to Oregon’s rich cartooning history.

Cloutier, James

Known for his “Oregon Ungreeting Cards” and his series of “Orygone” comics, Cloutier still lives (and draws) in Eugene.

Mirk, Sarah

Sarah Mirk is a graphic journalist, editor and teacher. While known for her illustrated oral history Guantanamo Voices (2020), she also teaches how to make zines, created a comic book history of Oregon, and shares her work generously via the “zine bike.”